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Economic sustainability

Economic sustainability means squaring commercial success and investments with social and ecological responsibility. The ability to plan investments in advance is required here.

Integrating economic, social and environmental responsibility is essential for sustainable business success and continuous corporate growth. Our strategy to ensure competitiveness includes forward-looking action and proactive measures to counter current global challenges. In the face of geopolitical uncertainties, fluctuations in the energy markets and supply chain interruptions, the focus on innovation in product development and customized solutions remains our key to success. We are strengthening our market position through innovative ideas, first-class service, strong networks and the expansion and improvement of our production facilities.

Strategic investments and the development of efficient logistics strategies are at the heart of our planning in order to be able to react flexibly to market changes. In a dynamically growing environment, the continuous adaptation of internal structures and communication channels is of great importance. Through early and close coordination, we integrate local perspectives into an overarching overall strategy. We also promote the exchange of experience, the application of best practices and interdisciplinary collaboration in order to share knowledge across the company and drive innovations.

This holistic approach not only ensures our ability to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions, but also strengthens our ability to remain successful and competitive in the long term.

Earnings and financial figures

The following tables provide an overview of our key earnings and financial figures. For more comprehensive insights and detailed analyses  refer to our Annual Report.

Key figures Uzin Utz Group (in accordance with IFRS; in EUR million) 2023 2022 2021
Sales revenue 479.3 487.1 440.1
Sales revenue growth compared to the previous year in % -1.6 10.7 14.7
EBIT 34.5 36.3 47.5
Net income for the year* 22.6 25.3 32.9
Investments 20.4 41.1 35.8
Depreciation 18.7 17.2 15.6
Cash flow from ordinary activities 48.7 7.2 42.4
Balance sheet total 420.0 412.6 365.4
Equity (including third parties) 257.3 244.0 223.5
Personnel (average)** 1,480 1,466 1,395

* Not applicable to shareholders of the parent company.
** The number of employees (permanent positions and short-term contracts) has been converted to full-time equivalent employees. Part-time employees are proportionally represented here based on their contractual working hours.

Key figures Uzin Utz SE, Ulm (in accordance with HGB; in EUR million) 2023 2022 2021
Sales revenue 175.2 179.1 157.8
EBIT 4.7 1.6 7.5
Net income for the year 17.1 16.6 22.6