Content and structure

This annual report of Uzin Utz SE is published exclusively in digital form as an online report or in PDF format. It is no longer published in print form.

The financial year of Uzin Utz SE corresponds to a calendar year from January 1 to December 31. The reporting is done in KEUR. Due to the preparation of the consolidated financial statements in EUR thousand, rounding differences may occur in the addition, as the calculations of the individual items are based on figures in EUR. All previous year's figures are in brackets.

The Management Board of Uzin Utz SE submits the consolidated financial statements of the past financial year to the Supervisory Board for approval after completion. The Supervisory Board has the task of reviewing the consolidated financial statements and declaring whether it approves the consolidated financial statements.

The consolidated financial statements for the past financial year were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting Standards (IAS) and the interpretations of the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC), the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), which were mandatory in the European Union on the reporting date, as well as the supplementary provisions of German commercial law pursuant to Section 315e (1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB).

All events, decisions and factors with a significant influence on the further development of Uzin Utz that were already known in the past financial year are included in the respective thematically related part of this report.


The annual report of Uzin Utz SE is divided into a voluntary optional section and a mandatory section.


The "At a glance" section enables you, the reader, to gain an initial overview of the key financial figures as well as highlights and stories of the past financial year.

The voluntary section begins with the letter from the Management Board, in which it addresses its word directly to you as the reader and, in particular, informs the shareholders, business partners, and colleagues of Uzin Utz SE about the most important events of the financial year.

In the Board portrait, you will find the presentation of the management of Uzin Utz SE and a brief presentation of the Uzin Utz Group.

Furthermore, you will find a 12-month overview of the Uzin Utz share, an overview of the shareholder structure and further information, events and factors that influenced the share price performance of the past financial year.

In the Corporate Governance section, the principles of corporate governance at Uzin Utz SE are addressed and, in addition to general information, you will find the Declaration of Conformity, the Declaration of Corporate Governance as well as the Articles of Association. The Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board are only available in German.

As UZIN UTZ is a reportable group, this annual report contains a statement of comprehensive income, a balance sheet, a statement of development of the group equity, a cash flow statement and explanatory disclosures (notes to the consolidated financial statements) in accordance with IFRS regulations. In addition, the management report and the report of the Supervisory Board are, by virtue of the provisions of the German Commercial Code, a mandatory reporting element alongside the consolidated financial statements.

The report of the Supervisory Board assures that the Supervisory Board of Uzin Utz SE has fulfilled the tasks incumbent upon it according to legal requirements or the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure in the past financial year and provides information about the main tasks and meetings of the Supervisory Board.

The group management report is a largely verbal report by the management. The obligation to publish the management report is anchored in the provisions of German commercial law applicable under § 315e (1) HGB. This part of the annual report deals with, analyzes and assesses the situation of UZIN UTZ, taking into account the overall economic and industry-related conditions. The analysis includes the key financial and non-financial performance indicators of UZIN UTZ. In addition, the expected development of UZIN UTZ is explained together with the main opportunities and risks of future business activities.

The consolidated statement of comprehensive income is structured in two stages in accordance with IFRS standards: Firstly, all income and expenses of the Group in the financial year are presented. On the other hand, the statement of comprehensive income includes other comprehensive income, which shows the changes in value recognized directly in equity. The sum of both components is referred to as the statement of comprehensive income.

The consolidated balance sheet shows the assets of a group as at the reporting date. At the same time, the consolidated balance sheet provides an insight into the financial sources of UZIN UTZ.

The consolidated statement of development of equity shows all movements in equity during the past financial year.

The consolidated cash flow statement provides an insight into the Group's liquidity by reconciling the opening balance of cash and cash equivalents with the closing balance at the end of the financial year. The reconciliation is broken down into cash inflows and outflows from operating, investing and financing activities.

In addition to the Group segment report, which provides a detailed analysis of individual areas of the company, the notes to the consolidated financial statements contain extensive additional information on individual items from the consolidated statement of comprehensive income and the consolidated balance sheet as well as other disclosures.


Gender note:

To improve readability, only the masculine form is used in some places in the online Annual Report to refer to persons and personal nouns. In the interests of equal treatment, the corresponding terms apply to all genders. The abbreviated form is used for editorial reasons only and does not imply any judgement.