Culture eats Strategy for breakfast

Corporate culture at UZIN UTZ: A journey of continuous transformation

This sentence embodies the heart of our corporate philosophy at UZIN UTZ. It makes it clear that our culture is far more than just strategy, mission and vision. It is the living expression of our identity. Every employee in the UZIN UTZ family is an integral part of this culture and contributes to shaping it every day. Their feelings, thoughts and actions are reflected in everything we do.

In our PEOPLE year, we placed a special focus on our corporate culture. It was a year of reflection and planning for the future. We have consciously promoted change in our working environment, always with the aim of preserving our heritage while breaking new ground.

An in-depth cultural analysis - consisting of 21 in-depth interviews, a global cultural survey and 7 workshops with over 175 colleagues from 22 locations - resulted in a global value framework. This value framework is the foundation of our culture and defines our core values and principles.

The three core values - Reliable, Passionate, Competent - are the heartbeat for our employees to actively shape the future.

In 2023, we focused intensively on anchoring these core values in the company and making them tangible.

UZIN UTZ Leadership Trainings & Team Sessions

Our managers played a key role in this. In 17 leadership training sessions, 188 managers were introduced to the principles of our corporate culture. In subsequent half-day workshops across all companies, a common development path for the UZIN UTZ culture was defined. These global activities enable and promote an in-depth, cross-departmental and cross-team exchange.

Our success and growth are based on the shared pursuit of our core values and principles. The continuous monitoring of our culture and the promotion and utilization of potential at UZIN UTZ remain our focus.