About this report

Welcome to the page of the online annual report of UZIN UTZ for the financial year 2023.

On this page you will find the consolidated financial statements and all supplementary information on the business performance of UZIN UTZ up to December 31 of the financial year.

In this context, the financial reporting is supplemented by all material sustainability information in the form of the sustainability report in order to show the interrelationships between financial, environmental and social elements.

You can explore the main sections and subsections in the navigation area at the top of the page. To read page by page, use the arrows at the bottom of the page in each chapter. Selected parts of the report are available for download in PDF format in the download center. In addition, you will find a multi-year comparison of all important key figures of UZIN UTZ in the key figures comparison.

Gender note:

For better readability, only the masculine form is used in some places in the online annual report for personal names and personal nouns. In the interests of equal treatment, the corresponding terms apply to all genders. The abbreviated form is used for editorial reasons only and does not imply any judgement.

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