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Cash flow statement

Property statement of cashflows Annex 2023 2022
(in KEUR)      
Net income after taxes   22,598 26,132
+/-Depreciation and amortisation of property, plant and equipment 10, 11, 12 18,732 16,880
+/-Change in provisions 21 -2,411 -51
+/-Other non-cash expenses / income   -6 79
+/-Cash inflows and outflows not affecting net income   1,172 0
+ Loss from deconsolidation of consolidated companies and other business units   0 0
-/+ Profit / loss from the disposal of property, plant and equipment   -144 -37
+/-Change in current assets (inventories, receivables) of other assets
not attributable to investing or financing activities
 17-18 16,261 -27,352
+/-Change in trade payables and other liabilities not attributable to
investing or financing activities
 23-24 -7,488 -8,458
Cashflow from operating activities   48,712 7,193
+ Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment 11 624 901
-Payments made for investments in property, plant and equipment 11 -18,158 -39,585
+ Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets 10 0 2
-Payments for investments in intangible assets 10 -2,031 -1,311
+ Proceeds from disposals of financial assets 13 806 1,259
-Cash outflows for investments in financial assets 13 -205 -181
+Proceeds from the sale of consolidated companies and other business units   0 0
-Cash outflows from the acquisition of consolidated companies and other business units   -3,250 0
+ Proceeds from the sale of investment properties 14 0 0
-Cash outflows for investments in investment properties 14 0 0
Cashflow from investing activities   -22,215 -38,914
-Payments to company owners and and non-controlling shareholders   -8,071 -9,465
+ Proceeds from the issue of bonds and the raising of (financial) loans 23 6,550 19,376
-Outflows from the redemption of bonds, leasing liabilities and (financial) loans 23 -15,491 -21,803
Cashflow from financing activities   -17,012 -11,892
Payment-related changes in cash and cash equivalents   9,485 -43,613
+/-Changes in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange rate movements,
changes in the scope of consolidation and changes in valuation
   1,193 334
+ Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period   -4,939 38,339
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period   5,739 -4,939
Cash inflows and outflows,
included in the cash flow from operating activities
 Annex 2023 2022
Income taxes paid 8 9,796 11,272
Interest paid 7 3,519 935
Interest received 7 237 90
Composition of cash and cash equivalents Annex 2023 2022
Cash on hand, bank balances 18 38,159 26,138
Short-term liabilities due to credit institutions 23 -32,419 -31,077
Cash and cash equivalents 5,739 -4,939

Explanatory notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows can be found under "Other disclosures" > "Notes to the consolidated statement of cash flows".