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Statement of Comprehensive Income Disclosures

The income statement is classified using the nature of expense method.

1 Sales revenues

Sales are recognized in the regions in which they are actually realized. The regions are therefore to be regarded as the centers of revenue recognition and, in this function, have a significant influence on the type, amount, timing, uncertainties and corresponding cash flows. For this reason, sales are categorized by region.

Sales revenues 2023 2022
Breakdown by geographically
defined markets
(in KEUR)
Germany 166,737 169,117
Rest of Western Europe 178,110 182,091
Southern Europe 11,352 9,876
Eastern Europe 23,556 23,510
Northern Europe 13,037 14,078
Asia-Pacific 11,382 13,186
America 74,821 74,902
Rest 343 374
  479,337 487,134

Further breakdowns of sales can be found in the Group segment report.

2 Other operating income /Income from investment properties

Other operating income / income from financial investments 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Reversal of provisions 815 880
Decrease in value adjustments 335 306
Income from the disposal of property, plant and equipment 212 174
Income from written-off receivables / creditors 5 55
Price gains 1,009 3,461
Indemnities 808 558
Typical ancillary revenues 893 530
Other operating income 1,415 1,811
  5,492 7,774

Exchange rate gains resulted primarily from the Swiss franc, the Hungarian forint and the Polish zloty over the course of the year.

The remaining amount is made up of a large number of smaller amounts.

Income from investment property results from the recognition of investment property at fair value based on observable data and unobservable data. In the reporting year, this resulted in income of EUR 0 thousand (284).

3 Cost of materials

Cost of materials 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Cost of raw materials, consumables and supplies and of purchased goods 212,622 241,791
Cost of purchased services 0 0
  212,622 241,791

4 Personnel expenses / employees

Personnel expenses 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Wages and salaries 103,578 100,218
Social contributions 21,431 21,202
thereof expenses for old-aged benefit 2,403 2,803
  125,009 121,420

The average number of employees in the Uzin Utz Group during the year was as follows:

Employees 2023 2022
(in an annual average) National Abroad Total Total
Apprentices 38 6 44 47
Industrial employees 267 207 474 481
Employees 514 491 1,005 985
  819 705 1,524 1,513

The number of employees is calculated taking part-time employees into account on a pro rata basis and therefore does not represent headcount, but rather percentages (full-time equivalents).

There are currently no stock option programs or similar securities-based incentive systems for employees.

5 Other operating expenses

Other operating expenses are mainly composed as shown in the following table.

Other taxes include property taxes, vehicle taxes and other miscellaneous taxes.

Exchange rate losses in 2023 result primarily from the performance of the US dollar, the Swedish krona and the Czech koruna.

Offset against the exchange rate gains (see 2. Other operating income, item exchange rate gains), there was an exchange rate loss of EUR 729 thousand (previous year: exchange rate gain of EUR 775 thousand).

Other operating expenses 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Distribution expenses 9,871 9,116
Local transport expenses 29,711 33,537
Storage expenses 4,776 4,593
Advertising expenses 11,182 10,314
Rental and leasing expenses 1,221 1,604
Maintenance, repairs and service 7,419 6,625
Insurance expenses 2,178 1,845
Other operating expenses 7,064 6,377
Administrative expenses 6,716 6,558
Rate losses 1,737 2,686
Increase of adjustment 538 400
Other expenses 5,897 6,460
Other taxes 1,157 1,177
  89,468 91,292

6 Investment accounted for using the equity

P.T. Uzin Utz Indonesia was founded in 2007 and included in the consolidated financial statements at equity for the first time in the 2008 financial year. artiso solutions GmbH has been part of the Uzin Utz Group since 1999 and was consolidated at equity for the first time in the 2014 financial year. The financial statements of artiso solutions GmbH are prepared in accordance with IFRS, while the financial statements of P. T. Uzin Utz Indonesia are prepared in accordance with local law. artiso solutions GmbH is an innovative IT company that develops individual software. P.T. Uzin Utz Indonesia produces and distributes construction chemical products under the UZIN brand.

The carrying amounts of the equity-accounted investment in P.T. Uzin Utz Indonesia and artiso solutions GmbH are as follows in the financial year.

Book value 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Book value as of January 01 1,368 1,433
Inflows (+)/outflows (-) 0 0
Additions (+) / disposals (-) due to results 25 -34
Transfers 0 0
Currency adjustments -27 -21
Disposals due to dividend distributions 0 -9
Book value as of Dezember 31 1,367 1,368

The following tables show the statement of comprehensive income and the balance sheet of the investments accounted for using the equity method for each company.

Balance data P.T. Uzin Utz Indonesia 31.12.
(in KEUR)    
Non-current assets 295 296
Current assets 2,185 2,009
thereof liquid assets 324 207
Non-current liabilities 41 42
Current liabilities 831 587
thereof financial liabilities 96 40
Equity 1,608 1,676
Proportional equity (49%) 788 821
Goodwill 0 0
Book value from investments accounted for using equity method 788 821
Result data P.T. Uzin Utz Indonesia 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Sales revenues 1,692 1,719
Depreciation 22 0
Interest earned 2 2
Interest expenses 0 0
Income tax expenses 0 0
Total result -13 -49
Proportional result (49%) after taxes -7 -24
Other 0 0
Result after taxes from investments accounted for using equity method -7 -24
Balance data artiso solutions GmbH 31.12.
(in KEUR)    
Non-current assets 873 898
Current assets 1.024 821
thereof liquid assets 5 2
Non-current liabilities 343 390
Current liabilities 600 438
thereof financial liabilities 488 380
Equity 955 891
Proportional equity (50%) 477 446
Goodwill 101 101
Book value from investments accounted for using equity method 579 547
Reult data artiso solutions GmbH 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Sales revenues 4,444 3,745
Depreciation 139 116
Interest earned 0 0
Interest expenses 16 0
Income tax expenses 20 0
Total result 63 -21
Proportional result (50%) after taxes 32 -10
Other 0 0
Result after taxes from investments accounted for using equity method 32 -10

7 Financial result

Financial expenses 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Loans and overdrafts 3,195 755
Interest expense on leased assets 226 142
Other sundry interest expenses 98 38
  3,519 935

Interest in the amount of EUR 547 thousand (30) was recognized as an expense for non-current liabilities to banks in the year under review. In the year under review, EUR 278 thousand in interest was capitalized as part of the production of property, plant and equipment (523).

The weighted average financing cost rate of the capitalized interest amounts to 6.5 % (5.1).

Financial earnings 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Interest income from bank balances 197 78
Interest on loans and advances to customers 3 3
Other interest and similar income 37 9
  237 90

8 Taxes on income/Deferred tax

The reporting of current taxes on income in Germany relates to corporation tax and trade tax. Abroad, these are performance-related taxes determined on the basis of national tax regulations.

The composition of the Group’s tax expense is as follows:

Tax expense 2023 2022
(in KEUR )    
Profit and loss account 8,650 9,321
Current taxes on income and earnings 9,796 11,272
Deferred taxes    
from consolidation measures 543 950
from losses carried forward -30 21
from differences between the valuation basis -1,659 -2,921
Other result 273 -216
Deferred taxes    
from income on financial instruments 7 -18
from actuarial gains and losses 266 -199

The recognition of deferred taxes was generally based on the tax rate applicable or enacted for the respective company. The combined tax rate of the parent company of 28.4% was used to simplify the calculation of deferred taxes on consolidation measures affecting income. For the calculation of deferred taxes on loss carryforwards, the tax rate of the respective country of domicile of the company was used. Accordingly, when recognizing deferred taxes on loss carryforwards for domestic companies, attributable tax rates of between 12.6% and 14.7% would be used for trade tax (depending on the respective trade tax multipliers) and 15.8% for corporate income tax including solidarity surcharge. Dividends payable in Germany by Uzin Utz SE have no influence on the tax burden of the Group.

The tax expense based on the earnings before taxes on income and the combined tax rate of 30.0% (theoretical tax expense) calculated in simplified form for the companies of the Uzin Utz Group domiciled in Germany is reconciled to the actual tax expense as follows:

Reconciliation of theoretical/actual tax expense 2023 2022
(in KEUR)    
Income before Income taxes 31,247 35,453
Theoretical tax expense with 30% (tax ratio Group) 9,374 10,636
Deviations due to tax rates -1,281 -1,829
Tax-exempt income -100 -103
Tax increases / decreases due to additions and deductions for local taxes -7 -73
Non-deductible expenses (+)/income (-) 917 898
Income from investments for tax purposes 0 0
Back taxes (+) for previous years 204 16
Tax refunds (-) for previous years -119 -175
Tax effect of investments accounted for using the equity method -8 13
Losses and temporary differences of the current year for which no deferred tax asset was recognized -122 185
Tax effect from loss carryforwards / tax exemption -254 -316
Other deviations 45 71
Actual tax expenditure 8,650 9,321

The effective tax rate is 27.7% (26.3).

The actual tax expense is EUR 724 thousand below than the expected tax expense that would result from applying the tax rate of the parent company.

The change in deferred taxes resulted in an impact on tax expenses in the financial year of EUR -1,146 thousand

9 Non-controlling interests

The minority interests in earnings relate to the minority interests of Uzin Utz Magyarország Kft. and Neopur GmbH. The minority interests of these companies are immaterial for Uzin Utz SE, as no more than 20% are held by other shareholders.

In the 2022 financial year, Uzin Utz Nederland B.V. held 70% of COFOBO Holding B.V.. On January 20, 2023, the remaining 30% of COFOBO Holding B.V. was acquired by Uzin Utz Nederland B.V., making Uzin Utz Nederland B.V. the sole shareholder since then. As COFOBO Holding B.V. holds 100% of INTR. B.V., the shareholding of Uzin Utz Nederland B.V. in INTR. B.V. has thus increased to 100%. Until December 31, 2022, 70% of the shares in INTR. B.V. were held by Uzin Utz Nederland B.V. until December 31, 2022.

The following tables contain financial information on the companies in which significant shares were still held by third parties in the previous year. The table therefore only shows the pro rata result of the minority for the previous year.

Balance data 31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Non-current assets 4,570 4,343
Current assets 7,987 8,440
thereof cash and cash equivalents 472 235
Non-current liabilities 1,999 1,999
Current liabilities 4,665 5,027
thereof current financial liabilities 0 0
Equity 5,893 5,757
Equity attributable to minority interests (30%) 0 1,727
Result data 2023 2022
Sales revenues 36,314 41,316
EBIT 880 2,336
Total result 606 1,754
Proportional minority interest (30%) 0 526