


An app that gives sales colleagues access to the latest product-related documents such as data sheets and catalogs and sends them directly to customers digitally.

Associated company

An associate is an entity in which significant influence over operating and financial policies can be exercised and which is not a subsidiary, joint venture or joint management. As a rule, an equity interest of 20% or more is held. These companies are accounted for using the equity method.


Systematic review and evaluation of processes for monitoring and controlling standards



A measure used to compare the performance, return or quality of a company


Building Information Modeling

Biomass balance method

Approach in which fossil fuels are replaced by renewable raw materials and allocated to the end products mathematically .

Blue Angel

Ecolabel, which recognizes particularly environmentally friendly products and services.


Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany.


From German "Bewertungssystem für nachhaltiges Bauen", in English Assessment System for sustainable building


A bond is a debt security that securitizes the repayment of the nominal value after a fixed term as well as a fixed or variable interest rate by the issuer.



Computer-aided design

Capacity utilization

Ratio of actual production volume to maximum possible total capacity.


CapEx is the abbreviation for Capital Expenditure and shows a company's investment expenditure. According to the EU taxonomy, CapEx includes investments in property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, investment properties and right-of-use assets from leases. If the criteria defined in the EU taxonomy are met, they are classified as green CapEx.

Carbon footprint

The carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a company, a private individual, an event, a product or a service over a certain period of time.

Cash equivalents

Financial instruments that can be converted into cash quickly and promptly

Cash flow

Key figure for assessing the financial and earnings power of a company, determined in the cash flow statement.


A Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) balances the company's own greenhouse gas emissions as well as all relevant greenhouse gas emissions caused along the value chain of a company.

CLP Regulation

The CLP Regulation regulates the classification and labeling of hazardous substances and mixtures


Compliance is an important element of corporate governance. This refers to the observance of laws and compliance guidelines as well as voluntary codes within the company. The compliance guidelines contain the fundamental and binding rules for conduct within the Uzin Utz Group as well as towards business partners, shareholders and the general public.

Consolidated companies

The consolidated companies refer to the group of subsidiaries that are included in the consolidated financial statements to be prepared by the parent company in the form of consolidation.


A consolidated financial statement is prepared from the individual financial statements of all subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation, which shows the financial, earnings and asset situation of the Group as if it were a single entity. The financial statements of the Uzin Utz Group are prepared using uniform accounting policies.

Corporate Carbon Footprint

A Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) balances the company's own greenhouse gas emissions as well as all relevant greenhouse gas emissions caused along the value chain of a company.

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a European Union directive on corporate sustainability reporting


Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Ripple.

CSR Directive Implementation Act

The Corporate Social Responsibility Directive Implementation Act (CSR Directive Implementation Act) is the German implementation of the European Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NRFD). It specifies which companies are obliged to report on sustainability and what content this should contain.


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a European Union directive on corporate sustainability reporting



DAX is the abbreviation for the German share index. It is the most important German stock index and tracks the performance of the 40 largest and most liquid companies on the German stock market.

Deferred taxes

Tax charges or income resulting from temporary differences between commercial and tax valuations


Recognition and offsetting of reductions in the value of fixed and current assets


From German "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen", in English German Sustainable Building Council

Discount rate

Interest rate at which future payments are discounted to a key date in order to calculate the fair value

Dividend yield on closing price basis

Ratio of dividend per share to closing price for the year

DNSH principle

DNSH is the abbreviation for "Do No Significant Harm." According to the EU Taxonomy Regulation, an economic activity is considered to be taxonomy-compliant if it makes a significant contribution to at least one of the six environmental objectives (climate protection, adaptation to climate change, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, prevention and reduction of pollution, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems) without significantly compromising another environmental objective ("Do No Significant Harm").

Dow Jones

The Dow Jones Average Index (DJII) is the best-known stock market index in the world. It illustrates the performance of the 30 most important shares on the US stock exchange.


Earnings per share

Ratio of total earnings to the number of shares issued during the period.


Abbreviation for Earnings Before Interest and Taxes.

EBIT margin

Ratio of earnings before interest and taxes to sales revenue


Abbreviation for Earnings Before Taxes.


The European Central Bank (ECB) is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and is the central bank of the 20 member states of the European Union that have adopted the euro.


The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is responsible for implementing legislation on chemicals within the EU.

Ecological footprint

The ecological footprint refers to the biologically productive area on earth that is required to sustain a person's lifestyle and standard of living (under today's production conditions). This makes the ecological footprint an indicator of sustainability.


Eco-label for the classification of low-emission installation materials and building products.

Environmental Product Declaration

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a standardized document that contains information about the environmental impact of a product. It provides detailed data on resource consumption, emissions and other environmental aspects along the entire life cycle of a product. This enables products to be assessed in terms of their environmental impact.


An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a standardized document that contains information about the environmental impact of a product. It provides detailed data on resource consumption, emissions and other environmental aspects along the entire life cycle of a product. This enables products to be assessed in terms of their environmental impact.

Equity method/at equity

The equity method is a method of accounting for investments in joint ventures and associates. Based on the acquisition cost of the investment at the time of acquisition, the carrying amount of the investment is adjusted on an ongoing basis to reflect changes in the equity of the company in which the investment is held.

Equity ratio

Ratio of balance sheet equity to total assets.

EU Taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy is a component of the "Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth" presented in March 2018. The EU Taxonomy Regulation is a classification system that aims to create a common understanding of the sustainability of economic activities in the EU, as well as to channel financial flows towards sustainable activities.

EU Taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy is a component of the "Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth" presented in March 2018. The EU Taxonomy Regulation is a classification system that aims to create a common understanding of the sustainability of economic activities in the EU, as well as to channel financial flows towards sustainable activities.


EUROCONSTRUCT is an independent network founded in 1974 that produces forecasts for the construction industry. The EUROCONSTRUCT network is made up of partner institutes in 19 European countries that specialise in the construction industry and have expertise in the national markets. The partner institutes come from Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

EUROCONSTRUCT's forecasts are revised twice a year and presented at a summer conference and a winter conference.

European Chemicals Agency

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is responsible for implementing legislation on chemicals within the EU.


Fair value

Fair value refers to the measurement of an asset or liability at its actual fair value.

FiFo procedure

Abbreviation for the "first-in, first-out" method, which means that the goods that enter a warehouse first (first-in) also leave the warehouse first (first-out).


Forecasting is used to monitor and support the achievement of short and medium-term targets. The aim is to recognise deviations from planning at an early stage and define countermeasures.

Functional currency (IAS 21)

According to IAS21.8, the functional currency is defined as the "currency of the primary economic environment in which the group company operates". As a rule, the primary economic environment is the environment in which the company primarily generates and expends cash. For Uzin Utz, the functional currency is the euro.



Gross domestic product (GDP) is an important indicator of a country's economy and growth, showing the total economic output produced in a given period.


The purchase price of a company less the assets less the liabilities. The excess of the cost of the investment over the Group's share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities is recognized as goodwill.


Governance refers to the way in which organizations, companies or government units are managed, controlled and monitored through processes, structures and guidelines.

Green Deal

The European Green Deal is a package of political initiatives designed to bring about a green transition in the EU. The overarching goal is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions in the EU to zero by 2050.

Gross book value

Carrying amount before taking impairment into account

Gross receivables

Total amount of receivables that a company has outstanding from customers excluding value adjustments


The global warming potential (GWP) describes the relative contribution of a substance to global warming of the atmosphere over a certain period of time.


Health care ratio

Ratio of actual working days to target working days.


Commercial Code (Germany)



IAS is the abbreviation for International Accounting Standards. These are internationally applicable accounting standards to ensure the international comparability of consolidated financial statements and to achieve greater transparency. Since the reorganization of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in 2001, newly published standards bear the designation "International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)". The previous "IAS" standards retain their designation and are successively replaced by new IFRS standards or integrated into existing IFRS standards. 


ICS is the abbreviation for "Internal Control System". The ICS has been an separate department of Uzin Utz SE since 2022. The department reviews processes and business activities in order to identify possible improvements, which are then implemented with the respective departments.


IFRIC is the abbreviation for "International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee" and was founded in 2001 as the successor to the SIC. The committee deals with accounting issues and questions where the standard leaves room for interpretation, with the aim of standardising interpretation and accounting.


IFRS is the abbreviation for International Financial Reporting Standards. These are internationally applicable accounting standards to ensure the international comparability of consolidated financial statements and to achieve greater transparency. The accounting standards are adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).


According to IAS 36, an impairment exists if the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. To determine whether an impairment exists, companies are required to perform annual impairment tests for all assets except goodwill.

ISIN number

The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is a combination of numbers and letters that identifies any security traded on the international stock exchanges.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is international standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which specifies general requirements for an environmental management system (EMS). An operational environmental management system helps to protect the environment and can also save costs, improve employee motivation and lead to a better brand image among customers and partners.

ISO 14040

ISO 14040 is an international standard that provides guidelines for conducting life cycle assessments of products, processes or systems.

ISO 14044

ISO 14044 is a summary of the previous ISO standards 14041 to 14043 and deals with the topic of life cycle assessment.

ISO 26000

Guidelines on the social responsibility of organizations

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard that specifies the minimum requirements in the quality management system (QMS). The implementation of this standard can help a company improve its business performance at all levels.



Junior company for trainees at Uzin Utz, which is intended to promote entrepreneurial thinking during training.



The life cycle assessment is a systematic analysis and evaluation of the potential environmental impact of products over their entire life cycle.


A form of financing in which an asset is used in return for regular payments over a certain period of time without the lessee acquiring ownership of the asset.


Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

Liability method

An accounting method used to properly present a company's assets and liabilities and Deferred taxes. Deferred taxes are considered either as liabilities for taxes to be paid in the future (deferred tax liabilities) or as assets for a future tax relief potential (deferred tax assets).

Life cycle assessment

The life cycle assessment is a systematic analysis and evaluation of the potential environmental impact of products over their entire life cycle.


The liquidity of a company shows whether it is able to meet its payment obligations. Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand (cash balances, bank balances) and cash equivalents (e.g. checks) as well as securities and investment fund units, which are recognized as current assets.



Media Asset Management

Market capitalization

Market capitalization is the market value of a listed company. It is calculated by multiplying the market value of the share by the number of shares issued.

Market share

Percentage share of a company in total sales or in the total volume of the market

Material usage ratio

Ratio of cost of materials to sales revenue


The Mid-Cap-DAX (MDAX) is part of the DAX index family. It includes 50 medium-sized companies - mainly from traditional industrial sectors such as mechanical/plant engineering and chemicals.


NACE codes

NACE is the abbreviation for Nomenclature Générale des Activités Économiques and is a statistical classification of economic activities in the European Union.

Nasdaq Composite

The Nasdaq Composite is the largest stock index on the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) exchange. NASDAQ is the largest computer exchange in the USA, located in New York.

Net dept / EBITDA ratio

The net debt / EBITDA ratio is the ratio of net debt to EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization). It indicates how many years it will take the company to repay its current net debt with the earnings generated. Net debt is calculated as current and non-current financial liabilities less cash and cash equivalents.

Nominal value

The nominal or fixed value of a financial instrument, such as a share, as stated on the security

novelty ratio

Ratio of sales of own products less than five years old to total sales of own products.

Number of employees

The number of employees in the Uzin Utz Group is determined taking into account part-time employees on a pro-rata basis (full-time equivalent).



OpEx is the abbreviation for Operating Expenditure and shows the operating expenses of a company.



Post-consumer recyclate (PCR) refers to materials recovered from products that have already been used and disposed of by consumers.


Product Information Management


Post-industrial recyclate (PIR) refers to materials that originate from industrial production processes and are recycled.

Post-consumer recyclate

Post-consumer recyclate (PCR) refers to materials recovered from products that have already been used and disposed of by consumers.

Post-industrial recyclate

Post-industrial recyclate (PIR) refers to materials that originate from industrial production processes and are recycled.

Price/earnings ratio

The price-earnings ratio indicates the relationship between the profit of a stock corporation and its current stock market valuation.

Profit of the year

Profit of a company after deduction of all expenses, taxes and interest within a financial year

Prohibition of capitalisation

Prohibition of recognising certain costs as assets

project management

Project management deals with the implementation of projects, i.e. the application of methods, techniques, tools and skills for a project in order to achieve goals.

Purchase method

The purchase method is a method of accounting for business combinations that requires assets acquired and liabilities assumed to be recognized at their fair values at the acquisition date.



Cross-site intranet based on Confluence



Abbreviation for research and development

Renewable raw materials

Organic raw materials from agriculture, forestry or fisheries for use outside the food and feed sector

Return on equity

Ratio of EBIT to equity

Return on sales

Ratio of EBIT to sales

Risk map

Visualised representation of corporate risks, which forms a basis for prioritisation and corresponding derivation of risk management measures


Scope 1 emissions

Direct emissions from company-controlled sources.

Scope 2 emissions

Indirect emissions from purchased energy.

Scope 3 emissions

Indirect emissions along the upstream and downstream value chain.

Scope of consolidation

The scope of consolidation is defined as the group of subsidiaries which are included in the consolidated financial statements to be prepared by the parent company in the form of consolidation.


The Small-Cap-DAX (SDAX) is part of the DAX index family. It includes 70 smaller companies (so-called small caps).


The European Company - from the Latin Societas Europaea - is a legal form for stock corporations that enables business activities to be conducted in various European countries with a uniform set of rules.

Shareholder value

Market value of equity

Simplified approach

Simplified approach means simplified approach.
Under IFRS 9, entities are permitted to apply a simplified approach to the recognition of expected impairment losses on trade receivables based on the remaining term to maturity.


This index represents the price development of a part of a larger share index


Taxonomy alignment

Taxonomy-compliant economic activities demonstrably make a significant contribution to one of the environmental objectives of the EU taxonomy without significantly harming another environmental objective ("Do No Significant Harm"). In addition, minimum social standards are complied with.

Taxonomy compliance

This is a term from the EU taxonomy. Taxonomy-compliant economic activities demonstrably make a significant contribution to one of the environmental goals of the EU taxonomy without significantly impairing another environmental goal ("Do No Significant Harm"). In addition, minimum social standards are complied with.

Taxonomy eligibility

In the context of the EU taxonomy, taxonomy-eligible economic activities are generally capable of making a significant contribution to one of the environmental objectives of the EU taxonomy.


The TecDAX belongs to the Prime Standard of the German technology indices and is part of the DAX index family. The TecDAX includes the 30 largest technology companies in terms of market capitalization.

The CapEx

CapEx is the abbreviation of Capital Expenditure and shows the capital expenditure of a company.


The TÜV (Technical Inspection Association) carries out technical inspections and certifications to ensure safety.


Value added

Value added is the company's performance (sales, other income, changes in inventories) less cost of materials, depreciation, amortization and other operating expenses.

Value chain

The value chain is the sequence of processing steps in the production process, starting with raw materials and passing through various intermediate stages such as transport and production to the finished end product.

VOC emissions

Volatile organic compound emissions (VOC emissions) are volatile substances of organic origin in the air.


Volatility is the intensity of price fluctuations of shares and foreign currencies or price changes of bulk commodities.


Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is based on the weighted average cost of equity and debt capital (weighted average cost of capital).

Whistleblower system

The whistleblower system serves as a central point of contact for a company's employees, business partners, customers and other stakeholders to report misconduct anonymously.

WIN Charta

The WIN Charta was developed as an instrument for sustainably operating small and medium-sized enterprises in the state of Baden-Württemberg. It honors companies for their economic, ecological and social responsibility.


Each security is assigned a twelve-digit security identification number. The WKN has been replaced by the international securities identification number ISIN.


Securities Trading Act (Germany)
