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Strategy and goals

Internal success factors

The focus for 2024 remains on pursuing the goals set out in the Passion 2025 strategy. By focusing on these goals, we are creating sustainable and healthy growth through the efforts of our global employees and investments. Our internal success factors are based on the following four pillars (4 P's):

  • Profit
  • Products & Services
  • People
  • Planet

Our goal is to exploit the full potential in each of these areas in order to continue to lead our customers and ourselves to success in the future. We want to motivate and train our employees through support and further development measures so that they can be deployed in the company according to their strengths. In doing so, we will create the conditions for an innovative working environment in increasingly international teams. Transparent processes and the exchange of knowledge across countries and brand companies are essential here. In addition, the relationships with our customers and partners are a central component of the People thrust. The cultivation of these relationships is elementary in order to be able to continue to develop benefit-oriented products and services that delight our customers. Uzin Utz is an internationally oriented company, which is why our customers worldwide are looked after and supported by our local sales teams. Only through close cooperation with the craftsmen is it possible to offer our customers the customised products and services mentioned.

Another important component of Uzin Utz's corporate culture is sustainability. Within the framework of this thrust, the topics of resources and the environment are brought closer into focus. The aim of Uzin Utz is to constantly make an even greater contribution to sustainability and to take on a pioneering role within the industry.

Our core markets are in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Growth markets for Uzin Utz are the UK, USA and France. In addition to our core and growth markets, we also want to grow continuously outside these regions and gain market share in order to achieve our planned sales target of more than EUR 550 million in 2025. This goal is part of our Passion 2025 corporate strategy, but our focus is not on short-term sales maximisation, but on sustainable and healthy growth. This is reflected in the EBIT margin target of more than 8% by 2025.

Internal organization and decision making

Direct decision-making channels and the flattest possible hierarchies are the basic principles of the Group's internal organisation. All important decisions are prepared in departmental and divisional committees and passed on to the respective managing director or board member with a decision recommendation. The managing director of the associated company then discusses the decision recommendation with the board of directors of Uzin Utz SE. The Executive Board of Uzin Utz SE submits all transactions requiring approval to the Supervisory Board for decision.