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Significant events

With effect from January 20, 2023, the remaining 30% of COFOBO Holding B.V. was acquired by Uzin Utz Nederland B.V., whereby Uzin Utz Nederland B.V. has been the sole shareholder since then. As COFOBO Holding B.V. holds 100% of INTR. B.V., the shareholding of Uzin Utz Nederland B.V. in INTR. B.V. has increased to 100%. Further information can be found in the "Consolidation methods" section in the Notes.

On April 20, 2023, after an intensive planning, construction and installation phase, the second dry mortar plant in the USA was put into operation as part of trial production. The plant is located in Waco, Texas and has two production lines, which differ mainly in terms of filling. Trial production on production line 1 was completed on May 10, 2023, while trial production on production line 2 was also successfully completed by the end of May. The commissioning of the dry mortar plant in Waco represents a milestone in our growth market in the USA and, in addition to expansion, will enable us to optimize the flow of goods to our customers.

Dr. H. Werner Utz acquired 1,288 shares in Uzin Utz SE in April 2023. The total volume of the share purchases made on April 26, 2023 and April 28, 2023 amounted to EUR 71 thousand. Due to his position as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Uzin Utz SE, a notification of managers' transactions was made in accordance with Art. 19 MAR. The purchase did not exceed any of the thresholds specified in Section 33 WpHG.

At the beginning of August 2023, heavy rain in Slovenia led to flooding, which also affected the Slovenian production company Uzin Utz Slovenija d.o.o. As large parts of the inventories could be secured, sales activities could be maintained despite the flooding. Production activities were also resumed by the end of August.

On November 27, 2023, Alberdingk Boley GmbH announced that 1,313,088 voting rights are directly attributable to it due to the universal succession through the merger of Polyshare GmbH into Alberdingk Boley GmbH. The voting rights were previously indirectly attributed to Alberdingk Boley GmbH and correspond to 26.03% of the total voting rights in Uzin Utz SE. The merger of Polyshare GmbH into Alberdingk Boley GmbH became effective upon entry in the commercial register on September 6, 2023.