Proposed dividend

The HGB financial statements of Uzin Utz SE as at December 31, 2023 show a balance sheet profit of 47,788,848.88 EUR (77,575,447.08). The Executive Board requests the Supervisory Board to pass a resolution on the following proposal for the appropriation of earnings to the Annual General Meeting:

Based on a net income for the year according to HGB of 17,072,035.74 EUR (16,607,312.66) plus a profit carried forward of 30,716,813.14 EUR (60,968,134.42), the balance sheet profit amounts to 47,788,848.88 EUR (77,575,447.08).

The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board propose that the unappropriated profit of 47,788,848.88 EUR (77,575,447.08) reported in the HGB annual financial statements be appropriated as follows:

Distribution of a dividend of 1.60 EUR (1.60) per share, totaling 8,070,910.40 EUR (8,070,910.40) on the share capital of 15,132,957.00 EUR (15,132,957.00) and allocation of EUR 0.00 (EUR 38,787,723.54) to other revenue reserves.

The difference of 39,717,938.48 EUR (30,716,813.14) and the amount that would have to be distributed on the treasury shares held by the Company on the date of the Annual General Meeting and that is to be excluded from the distribution in accordance with Section 71b of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) are to be carried forward to new account.

Ulm, March 27, 2024

Uzin Utz SE

The Executive Board

Christian Richter
Julian Utz
Philipp Utz